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Children’s Health
5 simple questions to help identify childhood health concerns At Bayside Family Medical, we offer a broad range of child health services, from immunisations to allergy testing and much more. In this...
Sun Smart
Protect your skin this summer Who doesn’t love Summer? It’s that time of year when we can head to the beach, hang out in parks and spend time outdoors. But it’s also when our skin takes a hammering...
3 popular men’s health services at BFM
It’s Movember, and that means this month is all about raising awareness of men’s health issues. In light of the charity event, we thought we’d highlight some of the key men’s health services...
3 popular women’s health services at Bayside Family Medical
At Bayside Family Medical, we are proud to support women in all areas of their health and wellbeing. In this article, we shine a light on some of our key women’s health services. Contraception When...
How to improve gut health
The importance of gut health has been well documented in recent times. Studies have shown links between the gut and all sorts of different issues, from immune system function and mental health, to...
5 Ways To Stay Healthy Through Winter
Winter is a time to prioritise our health and wellbeing, with colds and influenza being more common. Here are some tips to look after your health and well-being during the cooler months. Exercise...
Top 10 tips for teens – how to manage stress whilst studying during COVID-19
The pandemic has changed the way we live and interact. For teens, it’s impacted everything from schooling to socialising with friends. If you’ve felt stressed, know that you are not alone – there’s...
Staying on top of your mental health: F.A.C.E C.O.V.I.D
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our lives. It’s natural to experience feelings of worry, stress, anxiety and low mood during this time. Whilst these emotions are normal...
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